Friday, November 29, 2019

Beowulf Questions Essays

Beowulf Questions Essays Beowulf Questions Essay Beowulf Questions Essay Question 1 What is the name of the castle where the first few sections of the poem take place? | | Heorot| | | Camelot| | | Wulfing| | | Hrothgar| Question 2 Who is the king at the beginning of the poem? | | Unferth| | | Hrothgar| | | Heorot| | | Beowulf| Question 3 Grendel is a descendant of what Biblical figure? | | Samson| | | Cain| | | Lucifer| | | Noah| Question 4 Where do the people make offerings to try to get aid from Grendels attacks? | | Muslim mosques| | | Pagan shrines| | | Catholic cathedrals| | | Jewish temples| Question 5 Beowulf arrives to help the Danes | On foot| | | On horseback| | | On the back of a dragon| | | By ship| Question 6 Which character is jealous of Beowulf? | | Hygelac| | | Wealhthow| | | Unferth| | | Hrothgar| Question 7 During the feast, Beowulf describes what kind of contest in which he competed against Breca? | | Swimming| | | Running| | | Jousting| | | Storytelling| Question 8 How long is Beowulf king of Geatland before the dragon wakes? | | 50 years| | | 10 years| | | 25 years| | | 5 years| Question 9 What wakes the dragon? | | Grendels mother wakes the dragon to help her fight Beowulf. | | An intruder handles and removes a gem-studded goblet from the dragons lair. | | | Beowulf confronts the sleeping dragon in his lair. | | | The dragons eggs begin to hatch. | Question 10 Where does the dragons treasure come from? | | It is the cache of a highborn race of people who have all died. | | | It is Beowulfs inheritance from King Hygelac. | | | It belonged to the dragons father. | | | It belongs to Hrothgar and the Danes. | Question 11 What is the dragons primary weapon when he attacks the homesteads? | | His sharp talons| | | The fire that he breathes| | A sword that belonged to the ancient gods| | | Unferths sword Hrunting| Question 12 What does the dragon destroy that upsets Beowulf? | | Beowulfs home| | | Beowulfs armor| | | The castle Heorot| | | The tree of life| Question 13 Who volunteers to fight t he dragon? | | Unferth| | | Hygelac| | | Hrothgar| | | Beowulf| Question 14 What weapon finally kills the dragon? | | A dagger| | | A cannon| | | Bare hands| | | A torch| Question 15 What regret does Beowulf express as he is dying? | | He was unable to kill the dragon. | | | He never married. | | | He is leaving the Geats penniless. | | | He never had a son. |

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