Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Merchant Of Venice And The Crucible - 1337 Words

Ashwin Thomas Ms. Dunlop ENG 2D1 22 December 2015 Resentment, the cause of destruction Power is something that every human would like to acquire. The desire to earn power can be so important for some individuals that they use violence to acquire it. Violence can often cause jealousy, greed and hatred for each another. It is the violence of many humans that can lead them into doing such â€Å"unforgivable† acts. In both the plays, William Shakespeare and Arthur Miller with their famous novels, The Merchant of Venice and The Crucible, have shown how Grudges and Rivalries can cause such destruction in the lives of the people and the society in this play. In The Merchant of Venice, Grudges and Personal Rivalries in the trial scene has clearly been expressed with Shylock and Antonio. The central part and the twist of this novel are primarily caused by the rivalries between Shylock and Antonio. The â€Å"merry bond† that Antonio signed to help his dearest friend, Bassanio, was the main reason of the trial scene. According to Antonio, â€Å"Content in faith. I’ll seal to such a bond, and say there is much kindness in the Jew† (1.3.163-164) The bond which Antonio had willingly accepted was that if he failed to pay back 3 thousand ducats in 3 months, Shylock had the right to cut a pound of flesh from his body. As Antonio was a rich merchant and had plenty of ships coming in, with 9 times the money of the loan, he found no difficulty in accepting the bond. However, times were unfortunate forShow MoreRelatedThe Merchant Of Venice And The Crucible1491 Words   |  6 Pagesworks: The Merchant of Venice and The Crucible re spectively. They emphasize this thesis through examples of love, friendship, power and Christianity. Even though love and friendship are regarded as two forms of relationships where no one seeks any pragmatical purpose, in fact they covertly embody different sorts of self-interest. The triangular relationship among Antonio, Bassanio and Portia in The Merchant of Venice and the friendship between Abigail Williams and the girls in The Crucible are bothRead MoreMerchant of Venice and the Crucible Comparison Essay1691 Words   |  7 Pagessociety will fall apart and be unable to maintain balance and stability. In William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice and Arthur Miller’s The Crucible the reader sees examples of injustice inflicted on the victims within the plays through the people with power within the community. The Christians in The Merchant of Venice mock Shylock the Jew countless times while the high court in The Crucible believe citizens are practicing witchcraft without a proper testimony. 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Merchant of Venice, Hamlet, and The Importance of Being Earnest were among some of these plays from this semester. However, one of my personal favorites is The Crucible. I was able to uncover many themes from this play such as secret sin, lies and deceit, and religion. The Crucible stood out to me from the rest of the plays. I was able to relate to it on a greater scale than the others, and the story behind the Crucible interested me very much. Also I noticeRead MoreA Brief History Of The Greenock Steamship1920 Words   |  8 Pagestheirs were some of the finest sailing ships the world over. After 1740, when Glasgow had grown rich on the tobacco trade, it quickly became a hub of business and trade. As a natural consequence of this, Glasgow and the towns of the Clyde formed a crucible of ideas and innovation. One such innovation was the steam engine. Its first practical application to a ship came in 1801 when Charlotte Dundas steamed along the Forth and Clyde Canal to Glasgow in 1801. 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Venice: Italian trading city Genoa: Italian trading city Describe the impact of sugar and the development of Europe’s â€Å"sweet tooth† on the colonization of the Americas. 5. What caused Europeans to begin exploring? Read MoreLangston Hughes Research Paper25309 Words   |  102 Pagesnothing but their food. The ship plowed south and east through heavy storms, along the Gold Coast, anchoring at various ports, and finally stopping at Lagos, Nigeria, a former slave market, now a British mercantile center. Moslem and Christian merchants traded with African tribesmen. Everyone was engaged in buying or selling. Then the ship continued to Port Harcourt, located in the mouth of the Niger River. When the Hesseltine crossed the equator, Hughes shipmates initiated him as a Son of Neptune

Monday, December 23, 2019

What Is Revealed About Human Nature - 941 Words

What is revealed about human nature (from Gen 1-2)? In Genesis one and two, it provides a full understanding of God’s creations and wisdom of human nature because it is free from evil. Human nature is revealed from Genesis one with God creating the Earth and the Heavens and creating the man of his likeness. The Bible explains how God created Adam, from dust and was placed in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:7). The Bible explains humanity was created to work and serve (Genesis 2:15). Subsequently, Eve was created; â€Å"God had created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him: male and female he created them† (Genesis 1:27). Adam and Eve would help God because He wanted them to multiply the Earth by taking care of all of his creation (Hiles Smith, 2014). God is the sovereign ruler, he created humanity as how he should have wanted. The Bible explains about human nature that God created everything to be distinct from animals and all of His creation. God crea ted us in his own image, which is why we all look different; we are unique in His eyes. Also, God created us to be good because we are born innocent of all evil and loving of God. In addition, we were all born pure as Adam and Eve were. The Bible explains that God was pleased with his creations, â€Å"God saw that it was good† (Genesis 1:10-21). 2. What are the consequences of the Fall for human nature (from Gen 3)? The Bible explains that God had warned Eve and Adam not to eat from theShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Revealed About Human Nature ( From Gen 1-2 )?991 Words   |  4 Pages1. What is revealed about human nature (from Gen 1-2)? In Genesis one and 2, it provides a full understanding of God’s creations and wisdom of human nature because it is free from evil. God created everything from nothing; to be perfect from his perspective. Human nature is revealed from Genesis one with God creating the Earth and the Heavens and creating the man of his likeness. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Bill Gates a Man of Magnitude Free Essays

Bill Gates: Man of Magnitude A man of magnitude is someone who has made an impact on society and has done something or created something for the greater good of the country or world. I think what best describes a great man, or woman is a quote from Bob Marley, â€Å"â€Å"The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively. † This quote is close me because of the work my grandfather did with his business and providing work for those who would most likely not be hired. We will write a custom essay sample on Bill Gates: a Man of Magnitude or any similar topic only for you Order Now A great person is someone who does what they feel is right no matter what is thought of them. Bill Gates is what I would consider a â€Å"Man of Magnitude. † I chose Bill Gates as my man of magnitude because of all the things he has done for education, global healthcare, and extreme poverty stricken countries. What I relate to with Bill Gates is that technology has become so relevant in education. In schools that cannot keep up with the ever evolving technology, the students will fall behind and not have all the same opportunities that students in more affluent areas may have. Bill and his wife, Melinda, are the founders of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which gives many grants including the expansion for immunization for children, Improvements in seed and soil for African farmers, and multiple libraries. Greatness: The quality of being great, distinguished, or eminent. According to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation website Fact Page, as of September 2012 there are 19 Grant Commitments throughout the world that total up to more than five billion dollars. Someone who grants that amount of money to people in need is my definition of greatness. Someone who uses their power and wealth is something that I find remarkably great. â€Å"Guided by the belief that every life has equal value† is a quote that is posted on every page of the Gates Foundation website. Only a person with the consideration for others would commit their money to charity and to help end the extreme poverty. Bill Gates has contributed to the greater good by globally enhancing healthcare by providing more opportunities for immunization children, to educe extreme poverty in African countries, and to expand educational opportunities and access to technology. Bill Gates has also received numerous awards for philanthropic work. (â€Å"Bill Gates†). There have been many inventive entrepreneurs throughout history, but not many of them have applied their wealth to meet the needs of the less fortunate. Bill Gates and his wife Melinda have endowed a foundation with $28. 8 Billion. Through this foundation the Gates couple is able to funnel the enormous profits from Microsoft and other Gates’ ventures to help attack global heath and education problems. Bill Gates has targeted AIDS in Africa as one of his major health causes. He is also known for providing large amounts of computer equipment to schools in low income communities to help bring children of impoverished families into the world of technical advance. Bill Gates is a man of magnitude who has contributed to the greater good because he has touched the lives of millions of people through his philanthropic initiatives. Men or Women of magnitude are people of honor, faith, substance. People who will do whatever they can to help those around them. Great people who also have the fortune to be very wealth are people who have even more power and opportunity to do great things for their country, and even many other countries. Great people are noble and kind, and they have compassion for those in need. Great people give their change to the homeless, or buy a candy bar for the Boys Club. Great people are visionaries, that believe in a brighter future. Bill Gates is among those great people. Works Cited â€Å"About the Foundation. † Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. N. p. , 1999. Web. 12 Feb. 2013. â€Å"Bill Gates. † 2013. The Biography Channel. March 2011. Web. Feb 12 2013. How to cite Bill Gates: a Man of Magnitude, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Role of Communication in Conflict Resolution †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Role of Communication in Conflict Resolution. Answer: Introduction As a social being, man has to constantly interact with other human beings in social and commercial settings. Their interactions are not always continued in a smooth manner due to clashes and disagreements as views may be different and opinions may vary. These differences may vary from simple issues to complex matter and are known as conflict range. Not only conflict is a pervasive part of human life but also is a much maligned word. The overtone of the word is negative which makes people shy away from it. How conflict is managed by people is influenced by different factors. The nature of the conflict, the culture of the parties and the personality of those who enter the conflict are used to derive the conflict management approaches[1]. Just as various reasons exits in relation to the creation of conflict, there are a few methods which can be deployed with respect to managing the conflict. However while selecting one of the methods of conflict resolution one must be care to whether such method can effectively manage the dispute[2]. This paper discusses the principles of conflict creation through academic literatures in relation to the conflict which has been caused between Sammy and Ben. In addition the paper also discusses two methods of conflict resolution which are appropriate for addressing the dispute between Sammy and Ben. Conflicts have been defined by authors like Rapoport as debates, games and fights. Another definition of conflict is that it is an escalated competition taken place between two or more parties where each of the parties aims to achieve an advantage. This advantage can be in relation to resources interest, fulfillment of needs and power over the other party. As defined by Ronald (2016) the incompatibility of values and goals between two or more parties arising out of a relationship along with the having antagonistic feeling towards the other and attempting to gain control over the other result in conflict[3]. Conflict can take place whenever a failure of collaboration, community, connection, inability of understanding necessary interconnectedness arises as well as the characteristics of human nature. Most living organism behave in a ugly manner when they are in the position of conflict and humans are no different which makes them hide their interconnectedness and essential beauty. The conflict tends to be over when such qualities are noticed by them. Conflict may also result out form the inability of a person to learn from their past failure and to recognize the mistakes as an opportunity for improved understanding and growth. As defined by Autesserre conflict can be seen as a disagreement a view or perceived or real incompatibility of interest a set of behavior or inconsistent world views[4]. The position of conflict may be real but may also be a result of the perception of the parties involved in it. Therefore it can be stated that conflict take place between emotional, behavioral and cognitive dimensions. There are various sources of conflicts such as economic conflict, value conflict, power conflict, miscommunication and misperception conflict, emotional conflict, structural conflict Multipart conflict, intergroup conflict, role conflict and international conflict[5]. An economical conflict takes place when there is a competition between the parties for scarce resources. All the parties to the dispute strive towards fulfilling their needs. These parties put all their feelings and emotions in one direction so that they are not outsmarted by the other parties. Therefore it can be provided that a buyer would want to purchase an item for the lowest possible price whereas the seller would want to maximize its values. In the given situation it has been provided that Sammy wants to get his car repaired but in not willing to invest much money as the as the car has become old. He seeks to achieve the maximum benefit at the lowest possible cost and thus approaches Ben who promises to repair the car at a lower cost. However frustration (which is a cause of conflict) builds upon Sammy as the car is not being repaired in the provided time and the deadline is being extended again and again. It may have been common for Ben as per the values of mechanics to exten d the deadline. However the same values are not possessed by Sammy as where there is a difference in value there arises a conflict. The scenario further provides that a hefty bill has been sent by Ben to Sammy in relation to the car. This bill was not sent in order to charge for a repaired car but for the time given by Ben towards the car and the cost of replacing the car. According to the economic theory of conflict Ben is also seeking profit maximization as where the car has not been repaired still he has sent a bill to Sammy. This situation is bound to create a conflict where the needs of both the parties are different. According to Douglas emotions are those catalysts which escalate and fuel conflicts[6]. They add on to strength, courage, perseverance and energy which support people to continue with the conflict. They act as a powerhouse for the parties to the dispute. Applying the theory to the given situation it can be stated that Sammy is emotionally attached to his car and therefore he wants to keep the car as long as he can with him. On the other had the Ben is also emotional for the hard work and time he has put into for repairing Sammys car. The emotions of both these parties have significant energy to fuel the conflict between both the parties as both of them have justified grounds according to themselves. In addition according to the theory of structural conflict, a conflict can also result out of the way in which interaction between the parties take place. The resources which are available, time constraints, decisions making problems physical settings and communication procedures are a fe w elements which comprises the structure. in the givens situation if Ben would have informed Sammy that the car may not be repaired or Sammy would have verified the progress of the car in the initial stages and there was clear communication than the dispute would not have been caused. Methods of dispute resolution There are various methods of dispute resolution such as litigation, Arbitration, Negotiation, conciliation and mediation. Each method comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore the nature of the dispute has to be analyzed in the light of the features of these resolution systems so than an appropriate method of dispute resolution can be selected[7]. For the purpose the dispute between Sammy and Ben the paper analyzes two dispute resolution methods namely Negotiation and Mediation. Negotiation is the most common form of conflict resolution process or decision joint making. Negotiation permeates most areas of life such as public, private official, domestic, commercial and non official. The parties engage in the process of negotiation irrespective of the position they hold in the society. The most common form of negotiation takes place in bilateral exchanges where information is communicated to both the parties, an understanding is reached and outcome is achieved. To make in simple in the process of negotiation two parties take a specific stand, place arguments for it and continue making compromises where it is possible until a solution is achieved. The interaction may take place telephonically, face-to-face, via email or through the process of Video conferencing. According to Paveza, Estefan, and Corvin a communication which takes place back and forth and is designed to reach an agreement where there is dispute between the parties in relation to a particular interest is called negotiation[8]. The process has several advantages and disadvantages which need to be considered while choosing the process in relation to a particular dispute. The main advantages of negotiation are that unlike other process of dispute resolution it does not require any additional cost as compared to the other modes of dispute resolution. There is no need to pay fees to a mediator, an Arbitrator or a lawyer in relation to the process of mediation. In the process the parties can freely express their views to each other and come to a conclusion without the engaging and their person. The process ensures that there is no misunderstanding between the parties with respect to the dispute either there is a solution or there is no solution. As in this process the parties volunt arily agree to take a specific course of action the process becomes binding. However it is not always possible for the process to always yield a result. In various situations the process of negotiation fails to provide a comprehensive result and other methods like litigation and arbitration has to be taken. In the situation the conflict which has taken place between Sammy and Ben is related to dispute regarding money. They would not want to invest more money in relation to the process of dispute resolution. Therefore the process of negotiation would be best suited for their dispute as it involves no additional money. However the dispute may not be solved if the parties do not reach a compromise[9]. The process of mediation is another form of dispute resolution. In this process the dispute is solved through the help of a third person. It is one of the most flexible, useful and comprehensive tool in the process of conflict management. The process has been reinvented in the recent years as it is used increasingly for the purpose of managing conflicts in the commercial area. The role of the mediator in the process is to adopt a procedure through which the parties to the dispute can reach a acceptable solution. There are various methods which are deployed by the mediator in this process which include the facilitation of communication, determining the actual objective of the parties and proposing options to the parties with respect to the dispute. Other way in which the process takes place are evaluative mediation, transformative mediation, utilitarianism mediation, essential need mediation, social utility mediation, natural law mediation, resolution mediation, restorative mediation, justice mediation and interventionist mediation[10]. There are many advantages as well as disadvantages in relation to the process of mediation. Firstly the process if mediation does not require as much time to resolve a dispute as it is required by arbitration or litigation. In addition the cost involved in the process is significantly less and is feasible with respect to the services provided by the mediator for solving the dispute. It does not involve any additional charges and in the same way like negotiation the process helps the parties to the dispute come to a mutually agreed decision[11]. However the decision of the mediator is not binding on the parties and even where different useful methods have been used by the mediator to facilitate the parties towards a solution there may no solution reached by the parties. In these situations the process of mediation may not be much effective and litigation or arbitration may be required. In the given situation a mediator can assists Sammy and Ben come to a solution regarding the conflict they are in. he can facilitate better communication between the parties so that they are able to understand each other position in relation the dispute. They may require to pay a little amount to the mediator but the dispute is more likely to be resolved in a better way through the process. Form the above discussion it can be stated that there are various ways in which a conflict is created between parties. The reasons for disputes are mainly because of difference in opinion between the parties, miscommunication, the desire to gain power and access to financial resources. Conflicts are inevitable in the society and must not always be seen as a sin. Conflicts make people gain an increased experience towards how to handle a specific situation. There are various methods of conflict resolution. These methods have to be selected based on their nature of the dispute. In the given situation the best applicable methods are mediation and negotiation. The role of culture in conflict resolution is neglected by the conflict resolver unless there is conscious effort by the parties to the dispute. The medium through which conflict plays out is culture. A critical role is played by culture in the way through which a conflict is created. Culture also affects the course of conflict as well as influencing the method in which the parties to the conflict approaches to resolve it. While taking into consideration the impact of culture on conflict one must ensure that it is not overly relativistic or deterministic. In situation where the parties to a dispute do not have a common cultural background the resolution process is likely to be broken down. In this context common culture not only means language, race or nationality but also includes similarity in norms, meaning and behavior along with expectations and shared perceptions. Where expectations and perceptions are not common it results out in an increased destructive conflict rather than a resolution. It has been stated by Gudykunst Every communal conversation bears traces of culturally distinctive means of communicative conduct.[12] The purpose of this paper is to examine the significance of cross-cultural communication in the process of conflict resolution. The significance of culture in conflicts According to Moran mediation, negotiation and other methods for the purpose of resolving disputes are affected by cultural differences[13]. Individual culture is brought into by the parties to the dispute into a resolution process and the person who has the responsibility of solving the dispute do it through their own cultural perspective. The speeding up and effectiveness of the dispute resolution process can only be ensured if the parties as well as the dispute resolvers are able to understand each others cultures. Cultures are a part of every conflicts as conflicts are a result of relationship between humans. The way in which individuals blame, name, frame and try to tame the conflict is affected by culture. Whether there is a conflict or not is a question of culture. According to an interview conducted with a Chinese man it was provided by him that he did not witness any conflicts in his lifetime of 40 years. One of the possible reasons for his answers were a preference of cultur e according to which he saw the world through the eyes of harmony instead off dispute, which had been influenced by his Confucian upbringing[14]. Whether culture plays a sublet or gentle role or largely influences conflict it is also a part of the conflict. There is always a cultural component in any conflict which touches individuals where they hold their identities and meaning. Intractable conflicts like those which are taking place in India and Pakistan over Kashmir and Israeli and Palestinian are not only fueled by issues like boundary, sovereignty and territories but also through legitimization, representation and acknowledgment of various ways of living, identities and making meaning. Conflicts which take place between husband and wife are due to gender culture and which take place between parents and child are due to generational culture. Different disciplinary cultures give rise to conflicts in organizations. According to Fairclough culture cannot be extricated from conflicts although it is not the cause of conflict[15]. Different norms in relation to conflict behavior are derived through different cultures and which is acceptable in one culture may be a sin in the other. Different conflict styles are exhibited within the members of a same group[16]. In one culture raising voice by an individual would be taken as an action of aggression on the other hand the same act would be seen as a sign of truthfulness and genuineness in few other cultures[17]. In some cultures there is restrictions upon young parties to a dispute to argue with elders whereas few cultures depict ostensible, direct , linear and rational conflict style. Variables which exist in a cultural group can be used beneficially for the purpose of resolving conflicts. The variables are mostly helpful for the purpose of enhancing interactions between parties to the conflict. Individuals who depict a communication and conflict style within a group which are close to another rival group can be utilized in form of a bridge or natural translator to different cultures which the process of dispute resolution takes place[18]. A range of variables have been described by scholars who study the nature of conflict for the purpose of describing various cultural approaches in relation to a conflict. According to Moore and Woodrow (2010), there are eight primary variables namely, relationships, different views of outcome, cooperation and completion, space and time, communication, other parties and the overall objective of the negotiation process[19]. Five dimensions have been provided by Ang, Soon, and Linn Van Dyne for the purpose of understanding cultural difference. These include uncertainty avoidance, power distance, long/short term organization, individual/collectivist and masculine/feminine orientations[20]. Variables such as orientation with respect to human nature and nature, high and low context communications styles, social relations along with complexity of social identities among others. A few communication tools which are utilized for the purpose of understanding culture are Individualist and communitarian conceptions of self and other and High-context and low-context communication. A working definition of culture is useful as all these tools are used in service of understanding culture. There is no complete way which can provide the understanding of culture along with its connection with conflicts and communication. The two tools provide an idea about how the individuals belonging to different groups interpret their surroundings. They neither provide complete guidelines for with respect to each member of the group nor are they certain in nature as culture constantly evolves and changes the individuals as well as the environment around them[21]. Importance of cross cultural knowledge for effective dispute resolution The main role of the person who is responsible to resolve a dispute is to establish an understanding between the parties to the dispute. There are various ways which are adopted by such dispute resolver towards addressing the conflict between the parties. It has been discussed above that culture has a significant impact on the creation of dispute. Thus if dispute needs to be solved culture has to be provided with utmost importance. However not all studies of dispute resolution agree with such significant importance of culture in relation to dispute resolution process. According to Avruch culture may be treated as a cause of conflict however it cannot be treated as a main determinant to resolve a conflict[22]. Koppelman states that cross cultural awareness in the contemporary world is not only important but is essential and mandatory[23]. Managers in the organization require cross cultural knowledge to successfully manage the employees who belong to diverse cultural backgrounds. On th e other hand the process of dispute resolution may also be considered as a form of management. In the process of resolving dispute the role of the resolver is to manage the dispute by brining the parties to it to a mutual understanding. A dispute cannot come to an end unless both the parties agree to a resolution. A valid argument may be provided that cross cultural knowledge is not required in situation where both the parties to the dispute possess the same culture. However according to Warren culture is one of the most common causes of dispute and without cultural differences disputes may not occur[24]. Thus it can be stated that situations where culture is not a cause if dispute may exist however it does not supersede the fact that most of the conflicts are due to culture. Bochner defines cross cultural knowledge as having understandings about different cultures[25]. In the field of conflict resolution cross culture awareness means having the knowledge about the backgrounds, beliefs, customs and understandings in relation to the parties involved in the dispute. It has been provided by Kinloch, Patricia, and Joan that it is next to impossible to immediately influence the culture of an individual. In relation to the dispute resolution process the resolver has very limited time to interact the parties and it can be argued that such time would not be adequate to influence the culture of the parties[26]. However it must be noted that cross cultural awareness need not influence the cultures of the parties in a conflict what is required by such knowledge is to merely treat the parties based on the understandings bout them. This nature of conflict resolution makes the knowledge about cross cultures essential in the process. According to Prasad the most important tool which is required by a dispute resolver is comprehensive communication skills[27]. A dispute resolver would at no cost be able to resolve the dispute where he is not able to facilitate communication between the parties. In addition he needs to communicate his own understanding to the parties which he would be able to do without comprehensive communication skills. Behrens states that cultural awareness is the foundation of communication skills[28]. The concept of cultural awareness has become the primary component for effectively managing and preemptively resolving any dispute. Resolver who have intellectual knowledge are well equipped to carry out best practices strategies towards solving a dispute between the parties. These cultural awareness involves ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation social economic backgrounds as well as international experiences. Increasing or infusing cultural awareness in the process of dispute resolutio n can help the resolver avoid liabilities such as misunderstandings related to culture. Enhanced cross cultural knowledge can help the resolver to ensure that they are able to minimize cultural tension during the process of resolving the conflict. The resolver who is solving the dispute may be able to create an apprehension that the parties to the dispute have a common culture by bringing out the common aspects of their cultures through his or her cross cultural awareness[29]. When the parties to the dispute are made to believe that there cultures between them are common a sense of mutuality occurs between them and they give increased effort towards solving the dispute. There are three aspects which are required to ensure that a conflict resolution process is successful, Firstly the necessity and desire for resolving the conflict, secondly, awareness about possible hurdles in the process of conflict resolution and choosing the method for solving the dispute. For the purpose of resolving cross cultural disputes and conflict it is the responsibility of the resolver to bridge the cultural gaps between the parties. According to Hester, Gladys and Aminda such resolvers must at the minimum have knowledge about self awareness of their own cultural practice which includes bias, stereotyping and prejudice along with knowledge about different cultural factors which contribute to cultural differences[30]. They must also be sensitive towards and appreciate different c ultures while having a good knowledge in relation to communication skills[31] Conclusion The fact that culture plays a significant part in the creation of conflict cannot be doubted at all. Cultural differences are one of the main reasons because of which a conflict is created. They may however be arguments that the relevance of culture in solving a dispute may not be as important as it is perceived. However as discussed in the paper, communication skills are the necessary for proper resolution of dispute and the basic of ion dispute resolution communication is cross cultural awareness. Thus it is necessary for all dispute resolvers to ensure that they have adequate knowledge cross cultures while they are attempting to resolve a dispute successfully. References Anderson, Barry, Les Swanson, and Sam Imperati. "Veils and Cloaks of Ignorance: Under-used Tools for Conflict Resolution."Ohio St. J. on Disp. Resol.30 (2014): 45. Ang, Soon, and Linn Van Dyne.Handbook of cultural intelligence. Routledge, 2015. Autesserre, Sverine.Peaceland: conflict resolution and the everyday politics of international intervention. Cambridge University Press, 2014. Avruch, Kevin, and Peter Black. "Conflict resolution in intercultural settings: Problems and prospects." (2014). Avruch, Kevin.Context and pretext in conflict resolution: Culture, identity, power, and practice. Routledge, 2015. Barsky, Allan.Conflict Resolution for the Helping Professions: Negotiation, Mediation, Advocacy, Facilitation, and Restorative Justice. Oxford University Press, 2016. Behrens, Martin, et al. "Systems for Conflict Resolution in Comparative Perspective." (2017). Bochner, Stephen, ed.Cultures in contact: Studies in cross-cultural interaction. Vol. 1. Elsevier, 2013. Brubaker, David, et al. "Conflict resolution in the workplace: What will the future bring?."Conflict Resolution Quarterly31.4 (2014): 357-386. Fairclough, Norman.Critical language awareness. Routledge, 2014. Fisher, Ronald J. "Third party consultation: A method for the study and resolution of conflict."Ronald J. Fisher: A North American Pioneer in Interactive Conflict Resolution. Springer International Publishing, 2016. 37-71. Fisher, Ronald J., Herbert C. Kelman, and Susan Allen Nan. "Conflict analysis and resolution." (2013). Fry, Douglas P., and Kaj Bjorkqvist, eds.Cultural variation in conflict resolution: Alternatives to violence. Psychology Press, 2013. Hester, Gladys M., and Aminda J. O'Hare. "AN ERP STUDY OF PRESENTATION DURATION AND EMOTION DURING CONFLICT RESOLUTION."PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY. Vol. 52. 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY-BLACKWELL, 2015. Kinloch, Patricia, and Joan Metge.Talking past each other: problems of cross cultural communication. Victoria University Press, 2014. Koppelman, Kent L.Understanding human differences: Multicultural education for a diverse America. Pearson, 2016. Lynn, Mara. "Reconnecting Systems Maintenance with Social Justice: a Critical Role for Conflict Resolution." (2017). Mercer, Joey, et al. "How Important Is Conflict Detection to the Conflict Resolution Task?."Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation. Springer International Publishing, 2017. 103-115. Moran, Robert T., Neil Remington Abramson, and Sarah V. Moran.Managing cultural differences. Routledge, 2014. Morgan, W. John, and Alexandre Guilherme.Buber and education: Dialogue as conflict resolution. Routledge, 2013. Njoku, I. A. "The role of communication in conflict resolution."International Journal of Communication5.1 (2017). Paveza, G., L. Estefan, and Jaime Corvin. "Changes in Conflict Resolution Style over Time: The Risk for Persons with Alzheimer's Dementia."Journal of Aging Science(2014): 1-7. Pedersen, Paul B., et al., eds.Counseling across cultures. Sage, 2015. Pieterse, Jan Nederveen.Globalization and culture: Global mlange. Rowman Littlefield, 2015. Prasad, Rekha. "Cross-cultural communication."Educating Young Children: Learning and Teaching in the Early Childhood Years21.3 (2015): 21. Russett, Bruce. "A History of the Journal of Conflict Resolution."Journal of Conflict Resolution61.9 (2017): 1844-1852. Thomas, David C., and Mark F. Peterson.Cross-cultural management: Essential concepts. Sage Publications, 2017. Wallensteen, Peter.Understanding conflict resolution. Sage, 2015. Warren, Thomas L.Cross-cultural Communication: Perspectives in theory and practice. Routledge, 2017.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Beowulf Questions Essays

Beowulf Questions Essays Beowulf Questions Essay Beowulf Questions Essay Question 1 What is the name of the castle where the first few sections of the poem take place? | | Heorot| | | Camelot| | | Wulfing| | | Hrothgar| Question 2 Who is the king at the beginning of the poem? | | Unferth| | | Hrothgar| | | Heorot| | | Beowulf| Question 3 Grendel is a descendant of what Biblical figure? | | Samson| | | Cain| | | Lucifer| | | Noah| Question 4 Where do the people make offerings to try to get aid from Grendels attacks? | | Muslim mosques| | | Pagan shrines| | | Catholic cathedrals| | | Jewish temples| Question 5 Beowulf arrives to help the Danes | On foot| | | On horseback| | | On the back of a dragon| | | By ship| Question 6 Which character is jealous of Beowulf? | | Hygelac| | | Wealhthow| | | Unferth| | | Hrothgar| Question 7 During the feast, Beowulf describes what kind of contest in which he competed against Breca? | | Swimming| | | Running| | | Jousting| | | Storytelling| Question 8 How long is Beowulf king of Geatland before the dragon wakes? | | 50 years| | | 10 years| | | 25 years| | | 5 years| Question 9 What wakes the dragon? | | Grendels mother wakes the dragon to help her fight Beowulf. | | An intruder handles and removes a gem-studded goblet from the dragons lair. | | | Beowulf confronts the sleeping dragon in his lair. | | | The dragons eggs begin to hatch. | Question 10 Where does the dragons treasure come from? | | It is the cache of a highborn race of people who have all died. | | | It is Beowulfs inheritance from King Hygelac. | | | It belonged to the dragons father. | | | It belongs to Hrothgar and the Danes. | Question 11 What is the dragons primary weapon when he attacks the homesteads? | | His sharp talons| | | The fire that he breathes| | A sword that belonged to the ancient gods| | | Unferths sword Hrunting| Question 12 What does the dragon destroy that upsets Beowulf? | | Beowulfs home| | | Beowulfs armor| | | The castle Heorot| | | The tree of life| Question 13 Who volunteers to fight t he dragon? | | Unferth| | | Hygelac| | | Hrothgar| | | Beowulf| Question 14 What weapon finally kills the dragon? | | A dagger| | | A cannon| | | Bare hands| | | A torch| Question 15 What regret does Beowulf express as he is dying? | | He was unable to kill the dragon. | | | He never married. | | | He is leaving the Geats penniless. | | | He never had a son. |

Monday, November 25, 2019

Crop Circles Essays - Crop Circle, Forteana, Land Art, Pseudoscience

Crop Circles Essays - Crop Circle, Forteana, Land Art, Pseudoscience Crop Circles Crop Circles have been found throughout the whole country. They are one of the most intriguing things that I have read and researched. There have also been many shows that I have watched that have been very interesting. The first recent evidence of a crop circle was in 1966 in Tully England. The circles themselves ranged from a few inches in diameter to a few feet. There is also evidence of a crop circle in Hertfordshire, England in 1678. There have been many theories as to why these peculiar circular shapes have appeared in peoples crops. These theories include UFO's, energy fields, and also plasma vortexes(sine 1). There is no evidence as to how these patterns are formed. There is evidence that there is an electric field aroound some of these circles. One theory is that electrified air forms mini-tornadoes and causes the circles. This is called the "Plasma Vortex Theory"(Sine 1). Another theory that is very prominent is that all of these circles are hoaxes and were made by people to recieve publicity. Hoaxes are blamed for many of the circles especially the ones that are more complex. There have been people to admit to man making some of these circles. Two people who have admitted to this are Doug Bower and David Chorley(Sine 1). They admitted to faking around two hundred fifty cirle formations. Many of the circles that were admitted hoaxes were under suspicion because of there ragged look. Also some of the more complex and intricat ones are thought to be fakes. The amount of these circles is proof in itself and the fact that they are spread throughout the world is also proof that it is not all a hoax. The most interesting theory is that UFO's made the circles(sine 2). there have been sightings of UFO's and circles have been at the sight the next morning. There also has been sightingds of balls of light over the fields at night that have left these circles on the ground. When some of these circles have appeared a "sceaming"(Sine 1) noise was heard in the night along with strange nocturnal lights. Sometime in the 1970's circles appeared on the farm of a guy anmed Billy Meier's farm. This person also had claimed to have been abducted by aliens in the past. The grass was flat but not broken just bent over. Even stranger afterwards the grass continued to grow in swirled pattern. There is also a video of miliatary helicopter flying hovering over a ball of light over top of anewly formed crop circle. Hte government claims the helicopter was on maneuvers. These balls of light were also seen following fighter planes into battle during World War II . The British Government has an extereme interst in these balls of light(Sine 2). Bibliography Sine,Cory. "Aufora Special Report." http://ume.ucalgary.ca/aufora/journals/spring/06.html (19 Jan 1997). Sine,Cory. "Aufora Crop Circles." http://ume.med.ucalgary.ca/~watanabe/info/crop.html (19 Jan 1997). Sine,Cory. "pics." http:/www.aufora.org/pics/crop.html (19 Jan 1997)

Friday, November 22, 2019

Immigration Asylum Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Immigration Asylum - Case Study Example "A requirement of promptness and reasonable expedition is implicit in all cases but where the possibility of removing the individual from the harmful situation is available, the investigation must be undertaken as a matter of urgency. The victim or the next-of-kin must be involvedto safeguard their legitimate interests" ("Human Trafficking Under the ECHR," 2010, p. 1). Being forced into prostitution is unacceptable according to the ECHR. One of the articles of the ECHR states that, "No one shall be held in slavery or servitude" ("European Convention on Human Rights," 2010, p. 1). With regard to the amount of people being granted asylum, "the number of people from outside the EU who were allowed to join spouses or other close family members fell from 10,950 in 2001 to 3,835 last year. Only 1,607 people were granted asylum in 2004 - down from 6,263 three years earlier" (Conradi, 2010, p. 1). Unfortunately, what the Home Office does not realize and take into consideration is that if they make the wrong move, and send Margarita back to Ecuador, this mafia gang will no doubt kill her. This is a life or death situation. She already received a death threat, and honestly it is not understood how they could not take that into account. Additionally, since this is a mafia gang and not just any gang, a mafia gang operates differently than a normal gang. Mafioso gangs are not only more likely to, but they will track Margarita down once she enters Ecuador again in order to force her into prostitution again. This is a bare fact. Once the Home Office realizes that they are not just dealing with some home-grown street gang, they would do good to accept Margarita's plea of asylum. As previously mentioned before, the difference between a home-grown street gang and a mafia gang is that the mafia will kill you. In other words, wherever Margarita went were she to return to Ecuador, her life would continually be in danger. This would be no way to live. She would have to go from house to house searching for a new place to live everyday. The mafia would track her down like a dog and they would find her. Then, they would kill her. How is this a known fact Speaking from the experience of having studied Latin American history, when a Latin American mafia gang-very much like the terrorist group The Shining Path Guerillas in Peru (El Sendero Luminoso)-decides to kill you, basically your life is over. These types of guerilla-slash-terrorist operations are very efficient. Basically, if they want you dead, they are not going to waste time trying to find you so that they can kill you. Several people are living in exile due to the fact that they cannot live in their own countries because of these horrible people who would stop at nothing to see them dead. These mafia gangs are most dangerous because, anywhere you try to go in in-country, they will try to find you and kill you. What is most dangerous about gangs like these is that they will stop at nothing to make sure the targeted person is dead. This means that if Margarita goes back to Ecuador, the Home Office would basically be

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Career Choices in Alternative Medicine Research Paper

Career Choices in Alternative Medicine - Research Paper Example Like every other career-line, alternative medicine is defined by the typical duties it entails. There is also the education that qualifies one for a career in alternative medicine. This will determine how salaries vary. As time passes by, the outlook of every job changes as the market dynamics, and needs get redefined. Some have a better outlook than others and this is dependent upon the functionality of the career in the ever-changing world. The intention of this paper is to explain the career opportunities that are available in alternative medicine. Definition Alternative medicine involves the prevention and treatment of illnesses through methods other than the traditional western ways (Malhotra). A medic dealing in alternative medicine is different from those in mainstream medicine in one way; in alternative medicine, the person is addressed as a whole, while in western medical practices, only the symptoms are treated. Depending on what the field specializes in, the practitioners of a particular field may need different types of education. Alternative medicine consists of medical practices that originate mostly from the East. It is a system of medicine that involves treating of the cause of illness rather than the symptoms that reveal themselves, by use of natural, non-toxic methods. It is traditional medicine from India, China, Japan, and other countries mainly from Asia. It is deemed to be over 5000 years old with practices proven effective over generations. They are significantly older than modern medicine which is 150 years old (Natural Health Careers – Complementary & Alternative Medicine). Until recently, though, alternative medicine was viewed as obscure and encompassed in mysticism. Their importance has, however, had to be recognized as the means involved in alternative medicine have been able to cure chronic illnesses. The ways that are widely used in alternative medicine are naturopathy, homeopathy, and Ayurveda. In addition to these methods , there are also those methods whose use is increasing in the medical field. They include yoga, reiki, and chiropracty. Then there are those methods which are rarely used, and these are methods such as Tibetan medicine, Unani, and Siddha. It is imperative that these practices be used alongside conventional western medicine. This being the case, alternative medicine can now be referred to as integrative or complementary medicine (Seitzer). RESULTS â€Å"Suitability† Profile Most of these practices involved in alternative medicine have their origin in the Eastern communities. Knowledge of any of the languages of the Eastern countries is important. Knowledge of the traditional practices and beliefs of Eastern Ancient civilizations is also helpful since it forms the basis if the different practice methods. To increase the suitability of a person in pursuing a career in alternative medicine, a person needs to have the appreciation of methods of treating ailments, other than conven tional Western medicine. Duties and responsibilities Ayurveda in not so strict terms translate to â€Å"the science of life.† Practiced in India for 5000 years, this method insists that to prevent and treat diseases, body, mind, and spirit all need to be used. It includes diets and the user of herbal remedies. Naturopathy involves numerous practices such as massage therapy, use of herbal medicine, acupuncture, exercise, dietary modifications, and minor surgery (Malhotra).  Ã‚  

Monday, November 18, 2019

EXtensible Business Reporting Language Research Paper

EXtensible Business Reporting Language - Research Paper Example Currently, the SEC requires that all companies should utilize the XBRL format in presenting their financial statements and reports. Owing to the constant push for the use of the new business and finance communication mode, this paper explores potential advantages and disadvantages of XBRL implementation for business entities. Advantages of XBRL The proponents of XBRL have hinted that entrepreneurs and business entities stand to benefit greatly from XBRL implementation. Some of these befits include: i. It Is Accepted Globally As a Business Information Sharing Tool XBRL is readily accessible in many parts of the world and enhances information dissemination and sharing in various languages through electronic means. XBRL makes it possible for investors to conduct nearly real-time assessments because increases information accessibility. Data tagged in XBRL can be transformed into various formats such as HTML or spreadsheets, depending on the needs of the users. Owing to its global presenc e and high level of accessibility and acceptability, it reduces the cost of mechanizing business information (Gelinas, Dull & Wheeler, 2012). ii. XBRL Benefits Many Stakeholders XBRL can be utilized by investors to perform analysis of financial reports by corporation, thus making it a desirable tool. It allows corporations to automate their information and reduce manual processes of financial reporting. For the government, XBRL facilitate the collection of information about various businesses in the country. XBRL also ensures high level of information sharing efficiency (Stabryla, 2012). iii. XBRL Can Be Multi-Purpose XBRL functions beyond financial reporting role. It is applicable in many business information sharing scenarios. It is capable of streamlining the process of preparing and reporting tax returns. It also facilitates distribution of non-financial information such as production quantities as well as stock reserves among others. XBRL can also be fundamental for ensuring in ternal organizational efficiencies by facilitating smooth flow of information electronically from source to where they are needed most. It also facilitates data sharing between organizations and their customers, suppliers and strategic partners among others (Garner, McKee & McKee, 2008). XBRL can facilitate mechanization of purchase process and invoice reception and many other processes. iv. It Facilitates Substantiation and Reusability XBRL can speed up the process of financial reporting and information sharing process of an organization. It can greatly enhance spreadsheet functionalities through facilitation of electronic information access, which helps to alleviate human input inaccuracy during entry. Information conveyed through XBRL remains for a long period of time and can be re-used over and over again if needed (Bergeron, 2004). v. It Is an Open Source The last benefit of XBRL is that it is an open source. Corporations can create taxonomies that can be used at no cost for th eir users. Because it is freely accessible, corporations can maximize from it while at the same time ensuring low cost of its implementation (Bergeron, 2004). Disadvantages of XBRL In spite of all the benefits that come with XBRL, there are some disadvantages that are associated with the tool. Some of these disadvantages include: i. XBRL Amplifies the Likelihood of Error One of the most pointed out shortcomings of XBRL is its

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Strategic Operational And Tactical Level Information Technology Essay

Strategic Operational And Tactical Level Information Technology Essay It is the combination of Information Technology and people using it to carry out operations and management. In a large sense it is frequently used with in people to process data and technology. It is also refer to Information and Communication Technology (ICT), which is used in organization, where people work with this to support business processes. There is a clear different between information system, ICT and business process. IT is completely different from information system, information system consist of ICT component. Information system helps to control the performance of business process. Information system is a special type of work system, which produces products or services for customer, where human and machines perform work using ICT and resources. Information system purpose is to process information. Information system is a system which represents data and process as a form of social memory. Information system supports human decision making and action. What is the role of Information Systems in todays competitive business environment on Strategic, Operational and Tactical level? Strategic Level: IS (Information system) supports business processes and operations: IS helps managers to execute their daily activities and functions properly, for example, in bank, creation of accounts, statement generation etc take place; and IS helps managers control such activities with greater accuracy and in a timely manner with the help of software. IS supports decision making for managers and employees: IS takes data as input and then processes it to generate information; simply defined as Input Æ’Â ¨ Process Æ’Â ¨ Information. This information is used by the managers for the improvement of their organizations, for example, existing historical data about customers in bank can be analyzed by IS and important information can be generated like bad customers and good customers, etc. This information can be used by managers while deciding whether to approve loan for new customers or not IS supports in making strategic decision for competitive advantage: By analyzing data collected from different sources, IS can provide valuable information such as which items to launch in which location; so that the company can have advantage over their competitors using this information. IS can also help business houses; in carrying out their business processes differently than their competitors. Operational Level: IS promises Operational excellence: In order to achieve higher profitability, businesses improve their operations efficiency. Managers make use of IS in business operations to achieve higher levels of productivity and efficiency. An excellent example is the use of the RetailLink system at Wal-Mart; this system digitally links every one of the Wal-Marts stores with its suppliers; the supplier is monitoring the items and as soon as an item is purchased, the supplier knows that a replacement must be shipped to the shelf. IS helps create new products, business models and services: In firms, Information system is a crucial tool in creating new services and products and new business models. Business models describe how the companies produce, deliver and sells a product or service to be successful. An example is Apple Inc; it transformed an old business model which was based on its iPod technology platform that included iPod, iPhone and the iTunes music service. IS helps monitor increase Supplier/Customer intimacy: When a customer is served well by a business, he usually responds by returning and purchasing more from the business; this raises the profits and revenues of the business. The more the business engages its suppliers, the better the suppliers are able to provide vital inputs; which in turn lowers costs. An example is the high-end hotel, Manhattans The Mandarin Oriental and other such high-end hotels; they illustrate the use of IS and technology to achieve better customer intimacy. They track guests preferences using computers, such as their preferred television programs, check-in times and room temperatures. Tactical Level: IS helps making better decisions: Many managers operate in an information bank and they never have the relevant information at the right moment to make a learned decision; poor outcomes like these loose customers and raise costs. Managers can use real time data while making decisions; IS allow managers to use real-time data from the marketplace while making decisions. An example is the Verizon Corporation, which uses a Web-based digital dashboard that gives managers accurate real-time information on customer complains and network performances. By using this information, managers can rapidly inform customers of the repair work, assign repair resources to the involved areas, and restore service promptly. Competitive advantage: When the firms achieve the business objectives, for example, customer intimacy, operational excellence, improved decision making, new services, products and business models, than it is most like that they have achieved a competitive advantage already. Accomplishing these things finer than their objects, responding to suppliers and customers in real time, charging less for premium products all add up to higher sales and profits. An example is the Toyota Production System which mainly focuses on organizing work to make continuous improvements, eliminating waste; Toyota Production System is based on what the customers actually ordered. How are Information Systems transforming the functional areas of organizations? Computers are used for almost any task. We check email with it, watch media, bank and more. Information is the life of organization, damaged or lost data can cause financial loss, law suits, etc. Information system contains hardware, software, data, applications, communication and people. It helps an organization to manage and secure its critical corporate, customer and employee data. Information system improves work process and gives lot of other benefits. An example is the Transaction Processing System (TPS) which is used in one functional area of a business; it process routine transactions more accurately and efficiently. TPS has many sub-species which are directly linked to their respective functional areas, for example, there is Finance and Accounting Systems for the functional areas of accounts and finance, Human Resource System for the Human Resource area, etc. Information System is different form other system because its purpose is to monitor and document the operations of other systems, we can also call it target system. For example, production activities would be the target system for a production scheduling information system, human resources would be the target system of a human resource information system. Every reactive system has a sub system called Information system, whose purpose is to monitor and control system. Task 2 There are many, many types of Information systems, but the most common ones are these: Transaction Processing System (TPS); Decision Support System (DSS); Management Information System (MIS); Office Automation System (OAS); Executive Information System (EIS) and Data Warehouses (DW). Transaction Processing System (TPS): TPS is a basic business system and it handles the tracking and processing of transactions. A transaction is simply an event which is of interest to the organization, for example, a railway booking system in which Booking, Cancellation, etc are all transactions; or a sale at a store. TPS is very useful and has many functions and it Serves the most elementary day-to-day activities of an organization. Is very often crucial to the survival of the organization Usually has high volumes of output and input Needs to be fault-tolerant Supports the operational level of the business Supplies data for higher-level management decisions Can have strategic consequences, for example, airline reservation system Deals with well-structured processes. A Transaction processing system has many sub-species, some of which are: Sales and Marketing Systems: These are systems that support the sales and marketing functions by easing the movement of services and goods from producers to customers. For example, a Stores sale system would automatically record and total purchase transactions and print out a packing list; this would improve customer service and maintain customer data. Manufacturing and Production systems: These systems supply data to operate, control and monitor the production processes, such as shipping, receiving, purchasing, scheduling, engineering, resource management, quality control, etc. For example, a system in factory that measures samples of products and gets information from that; then statistically analyses the samples and shows when the operators should take corrective action. Human Resource System: These systems deal with performance evaluation, compensation, placement, career development and recruitment of the firms employees. Examples of HRS include training and skills, applicant tracking, personnel record keeping, positions, benefits. Finance Accounting System: These systems maintain records which concern the flow of funds in the firm and they also produce financial statements, such as income statements and balance sheets. E.g for General Ledger; Budgeting, Billing: Cost Accounting, Accounts Payable/ Receivable; Funds management systems, payroll. These systems were among the earliest to be computerized. Examples of Financial systems are loan management, cash management, securities trading and check processing. Management Information Systems (MIS): They assist lower management in problem solving and making decisions. MIS usually takes data from the transaction processing system and summarizes it into a series of management reports which are to be used by the middle management and operational supervisors. MIS is a set of information processing functions and queries should be handled by it as quickly as they arrive. Database is an important element of MIS. MIS simply provides managers with feedback on daily operations; it also provides information and support for effective decision making. An example of MIS is an annual budgeting system. Decision Support System (DSS): DSS provides information, models or analysis tools to the senior managers and strategic management staff to help them make decisions. DSS are used for support of unstructured decisions and they are for analytical work mainly, for example, creating of what-if models using spreadsheets databases. An example job for a Decision Support System would be a 6 year operating plan. Office Automation Systems (OAS): They are used to improve the productivity of employees who need to process data information for reducing paper warfare. For example, Microsoft Office XP improves the productivity of employees working in an office or system that allow employees to work from home or whilst on the move. OAS software tools are often integrated and are designed for easy operations (for example, a graph from a spreadsheet can be imported in the Word Processor). Executive Information System (EIS): Also known as Executive Support System (ESS) and it provides information to the executives in a readily accessible, interactive format. EIS (or ESS) usually allow summary of the entire organization and also allows drilling down to specific levels of detail. EIS also use data which is produced by ground level Transaction Processing System so the executives can gain an overview of the entire organization. EIS require extensive staff to operate and are very expensive to run and are used by top level (strategic) management. Data Warehouses System: A Data Warehouse is a place where data is stored analysis, security and archival purposes. A data warehouse is usually either a single computer or a giant computer system formed by tying many computers together. Besides storing large amount of data, they must also possess the systems in place that would make it easy to access the data and use in day-to-day operations. It is also sometimes referred to be a major role player in DSS, or Decision Support System. How you identify the major support systems, and relate them to managerial functions? Support systems are Office Automation, Decisions Support Systems, Management Information system and TPS. Management Information system (MIS) generally takes the data from TPS (Transaction processing system) and summarizes it into a series of management reports, which are used by operational supervisors and also by the middle management. Decision-Support Systems are designed to help management make decisions, when there is uncertainty about the possible outcome. DSS gather relevant information with the help of tools and techniques and analyze the options and alternatives. DSS often create what-if models with the use of databases and spreadsheets. Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) helps business create and share information. This helps employees who creates and shares knowledge and expertise, which is shared in organization to create further commercial opportunities. KMS allows efficient categorization and distribution of knowledge. For example knowledge might be in word documents, spreadsheets, power point or internet etc, to share KMS would use collaboration system like intranet. Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) process routine transaction accurately and efficiently; and businesses may have many TPS, for example Invoices are sent to customers using the Billing systems Systems that calculate monthly and weekly payroll and tax payments Calculations of raw materials using Production and purchasing systems Using Stock control systems to process of all movement within the businesses Office Automation Systems (OAP) improves the productivity of the employees that process data information. For example, Microsoft Office XP improves productivity of employees that work in an office or system that enable employees to work on the move or from home. Task 3 Describe the tools and techniques provided by the Information Systems department and its relationship with end-users to solve the specific problems? The Information system department provides many different tools and techniques to solve problems and the main ones are: Data Warehouses: Their main purpose is to establish a data storehouse that makes operational data accessible in a form which is readily acceptable for analytical processing activities like Decision Support or EIS. Data Warehouses have many different characteristics such as Organization (data are organized), Time Variant (data kept for 5-10 years so it can be used for forecasting and comparisons), Non-Volatility (data are not updated once it has been entered in the warehouse), Consistency (data are coded in a consistent manner) and Client/Server (the data warehouse provides the end user an easy access to the data by using the clients/servers). How it solves problems: The Data in the warehouses is organized for less confusion; The Data is stored for a long time, allows for forecasts and comparisons; Takes raw data and codes it in a consistent matter for easy analysis Provides the end user an easy access to its data The data warehouse uses a relational structure The data are located in one place, allows data to be reached quickly Web browsers can be used to allow end users to reach data easily Data Mining: the process of analyzing data from different views and then summarizing it into useful information. Such information could be used to cut costs, raise revenue or both. For years, companies have used very powerful computers to sift through large volumes of supermarket scanner data and analyze market research reports. Data Mining is currently being used in areas like Retailing and Sales, Banking, Insurance, Airlines, Health Care, Computer Software Hardware, etc. How it solves problems: Data mining automates the process of discovering predictive information in very large databases; Data mining tools identify previous hidden patterns in just one step Can operate on unprocessed or even unstructured information. Text Web Mining: Text mining is the application of data mining to less structured text files. Web Mining are mining tools which can be used to analyze large amounts of data on the Web (like what customers are doing on the Internet). How it solves problems: Groups documents by common themes, making them easier to locate sort Finds the hidden content of documents and also additional useful relationships Geographic Information System (GIS): this is a computer-based system which is used for capturing, checking, storing, manipulating, integrating and displaying data using digitalized maps. How it solves problems: Every digital object or record has an identified geographical location Branch performances can be monitored, analyzed and compared Volume and traffic patterns of business activities can be monitored Geographical area served by each Bank branch can be observed, to plan if new banks are needed or not. Data Visualization: This is the presentation of data by technologies like digital images, graphical user interface, 3-d presentations and animations, geographical information systems, virtual reality, multidimensional graphs tables. How it solves problems: Presents many different kinds of data into a common, understandable way for better more accurate analysis; reduces errors too. On-Line Analytic Processing: this is the technology that allows users of multidimensional databases to generate on-line comparative summaries of data and other analytical enquiries; OLAP can also be integrated into corporate databases systems. How it solves problems: OLAP facilities allow managers and analysts to monitor the performance of the business or market. The end-results of OLAP technologies can be very simple (frequency tables, etc) to make the data much easier to understand and analyze. How the Executives may use any alternative data/ information processing techniques to support the decision making This is a crucial step in making an effective decision. The more good options that you consider, the more inclusive your final decision will be. You force yourself to reach deeper and you look at problems via different angles, when you generate alternatives. By using the mindset there must be other solutions out there, you have more chance to make the best possible decision. If you havent got other reasonable alternatives, then theres not much of a decision to make! Below is a summary of some of the important techniques and tools to help teams develop good alternatives. Generating Ideas Brainstorming is possibly the most well known method for generating ideas. Reverse Brainstorming works in the same manner. But, it works by asking people to brainstorm of how to achieve the opposite result from the one required, and then simply reversing those actions. The Charette Procedure is a systematic process and it gathers and develops ideas from many stakeholders. Crawford Slip Writing Technique generates ideas from a large number of people. This method is extremely effective and ensures that ideas from everyone are heard and weighed equally irrespective of the persons power in the organization. Explore the Alternatives You need to evaluate the risks and implications of each choice once you are completely satisfied that you have a good selection of realistic alternatives. Risk Theres almost always some degree of uncertainty in decision making process that may lead to risks, inevitably. You can determine if the risk is manageable of not simply by evaluating the risks involved with the options. Risk Analysis allows you to look at risks impartially. It assess threats and evaluates the probability of events taking place using a structured approach their management costs. Implications You can consider the potential consequences of each of your options Six Thinking Hats, after viewing the alternatives from 6 different perspectives, you can assess the consequences of a decision. Impact Analysis, useful technique for brainstorming the unexpected outcomes that could mount from a decision. Choose the Best Alternative After assessing the different alternatives, the following step is choosing between them. The choice could be very obvious, but if it is not, then the tools below will help: Grid Analysis (or decision matrix), is a very useful tool for this type of evaluation. It helps bring different factors in the process of decision making in a reliable way, therefore this tool is invaluable. Paired Comparison Analysis help decide the importance of differing factors and helps you compare factors that are unlike and decide which ones should influence your decision the most. Decision Trees are useful in deciding between options. These bring the probability of project failure/success in the decision making process and help you lay out the various options available to you. Task 4 Information systems are made out of components that can be assembled in many different con ¬Ã‚ gurations resulting in a variety of information systems and applications, much as construction materials can be assembled to build different homes. The size and cost of a home depend on the purpose of the building, the availability of money, and constraints such as ecological and environmental legal requirements. Just as there are many different types of houses, so there are many different types of information systems. We classify houses as single-family homes, apartments, townhouses, and cottages. Similarly, it is useful to classify information systems into groups that share similar characteristics. A classi ¬Ã‚ cation such as this may help in identifying systems, analyzing them, planning new Information Systems Con ¬Ã‚ gurations Organizations are made up of components such as divisions, departments, and work units, organized in hierarchical levels. For example, most organizations have functional departments, such as production and accounting, which report to plant management, which report to a division head. The divisions report to the corporate headquarters. Although some organizations have restructured themselves in innovative ways, such as those based on cross-functional teams, today the vast majority of organizations still have a traditional hierarchical structure. Thus, we can  ¬Ã‚ nd information systems built for headquarters, for divisions, for the functional departments, for operating units, and even for individual employees. Such systems can stand alone, but usually they are interconnected. Typical information systems that follow the organizational structure are functional (departmental), enterprise-wide, and inter-organizational. These systems are organized in a hierarchy in which each higher-le vel system consists of several (even many) systems from the level below it. A departmental system supports the functional areas in each company. At a higher level, the enterprise-wide system supports the entire company, and inter-organizational systems connect different companies. The major functional information systems are organized around the traditional departments- Finance IS Finance IS Accounting IS Accounting IS Human Resources Human Resources Corporate a System Electronic Market Electronic Market Corporate B System Marketing IS Marketing IS Production IS Production IS Administrative IS Administrative IS Corporate C System

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Financial Crisis: Theoretical and Historical Perspective an Article by

LITERATURE REVIEW There are too many studies about crisis because crisis are experiencing anywhere and anytime in the world. I have scanned many articles about types of crisis and examples of them. There are too many article but I can’t found any containing two of them together. There are too many research resources but they are very scattered. Almost all of them are post graduate level. They are hard to understand as a sudent at the graduate level. There is a sample article by Gà ¼ven Delice. Title of article is Financial Crisis: Theoretical and historical perspective. In this article Delice mentioned definition of the financial crisis, types of financial crisis, financial crisis models and historical process but all of them are theoretical. There is no experienced example about types of crisis. If we look at another article by Ahmet Turgut we can see almost same things. Again there is no experienced example about types of crisis. He mentioned types of financial crisis, indicators of financial crisis. All of these are theoretical. I am planning to do a project which include both theory and experienced examples. TYPES OF CRISIS There are many factors in Economy. Therefore, inherently there are many reasons for occurrence of crises. After Second World War, national and international financial markets integration process bring with case of financial crisis. Especially since 1990 this case was rise rapidly. In this project I am going to try to explain this reasons so types of crises. I am going to mention 4 types of them; †¢ Currency Crisis, †¢ Banking Crisis, †¢ External Debt Crisis, †¢ Systematic Financial Crisis. Before starting to explain types of financial crisis I want to mention four important factor that cause financial crisis a... ...u ve Ä °ktisat Dergisi. 20. 35 – 46. - Chan, K. S., Dang, Q. T. (2012) 1997 Asian Currency Crisis, Financial Linkages, and the Monetary Policy of Japan. 20. 1-17. - Burnside, C. , Einchenbaum, M. , Rebelo, S. (1998) Prospective Deficits and the Asian Currency Crisis. National Bureau of Economic Research - Boasson, V. (2012) The 2007 – 2009 Global Financial Crisis: A research Synthesis. Sigillum Universitatis Islandiae. - Glick, R., Hutchison, M. (2011) Currency Crises. Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Working Papers. - Havranek, T. , Rusnak, M. , Smidkova, K. , Vasicek, B. (2012) Leading Indicators of crisis Incidence, Evidence From Developed Countries. European Central Bank Working Paper Series. 1486. - Kramp, R. S. (2010) The Great Depression. Library Juice Press. - Bernstein. M. (1987) The Great Depression: Delayed Recovery and Economic Change in America.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Inequality in Education Essay

Inequality is an unequal rewards or opportunities for different individuals within a group or groups within a society. Education is recognised as major social institution. However, inequality in education is linked to major problems in society. In education a key factor that influences a child’s performance at school is social class. By going through Marxist and Functionalist perspectives, explanations for such inequalities can be understood. Difference in social background results in differences in achievement within an academic field. The level of achievement of the middle class is hugely different from that of the working class. Students success depends on parents income and parental choice. In other words the higher the social class of the parents, the more successful a child is likely to become in education. Children from lower socioeconomic backgrounds are more likely to have low academic status than the students from higher socio-economic backgrounds. The education system remains socially selective, the higher the social class of the parents, the better the education of the children. Educational inequality starts young for children of disadvantaged class and they struggle to keep up throughout their school years. Children of lower socio-economic background at age 3 are one year behind the national average. By the time they are 14, they are two years behind. We can see this figure is staggering and extremely worrying. As a result, these children are less likely to go into higher education and more likely to be categorised into a lower academic ability. The functionalist perspective on education is concerned with the functions or role of education for society as a whole. It focuses on its contribution in maintaining social stability through development of social harmony. It believe in building bridges between values and passing culture and norms through education. Functionalist views education as the basic needs for a  society in order to survive. Particularly, functionalist sees education providing a trained and qualified labour force and its effective role selection and allocation in a meritocratic society. The Marxist perspective on education highlights the way education system reproduces existing social class inequalities and how it is carried out to the next generations. Marxist argues that the values passed on by school are those of ruling class. In contrary to functionalism Marxist does not believe education system is neutral filter and grade according to meritocracy. Instead it believes social class and other factors influence success and failure in education. Marxist approach argues that there is no equality of opportunity in education, education rather covers the fact that the social class influences educational success and there is inequality Inequality in education can put individuals of the groups that are affected by these at a disadvantage in the future. Inequality in education gap will remain because even though we are aware of it we have learnt to tolerate it.The education system reproduces existing social class inequalities, and passes them from one generation to the next. Thus we can see that children from low socio economic class lack the aspiration to excel academically. This is not because of the fault of their own but they were born into lower socio-economic class. Bibliography Maureen T. Hallinan (2006)Handbook of Sociology https://www.dawsonera.com/readonline/9780387364247# http://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2014/jan/27/education-inequality-in-england-where-is-the-gap-widening-demos K. Browne, (2006) Introducing sociology for AS Level, 2nd Edition, Cambridge, Polity Press G. Marshall, (1994) Oxford Dictionary of Sociology, 2nd edition, Oxford,

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Power Comes From the Barrel of a Gun - took the op Essays - Pacifism

Power Comes From the Barrel of a Gun - took the op Essays - Pacifism Power Comes From the Barrel of a Gun - took the opposing view Subject: World History (But it applies to much more) Title: "Power Comes From the Barrel of a Gun" - took the opposing view "Would you respect me, If I didnt have this gun? Cause without it, I dont get it, And thats why I carry one." -Phil Collins Power. A word from which many meanings derive. To each individual, it means something distinct and it is how one uses their power that makes up who they are. Power does not come from the barrel of a gun. A gun can do nothing without someone there to pull the trigger. The power to take a life rests within the person, the gun simply serving as their tool. When groups protesting for a cause they believe in use violent tactics, do they ever accomplish anything? When we kill , what do we achieve? To say that power lies in the barrel of a gun is to say that the most effective way to get what we want, or what we feel we deserve is to murder. It is only those with no faith in their dreams, or belief in themselves who could make such a statement. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "If a man hasnt found something he will die for, he isnt fit to live." A leader in the Black community and the recipient of the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize, Kings accomplishment of attaining civil rights for Blacks was a great one, but the road to achievement was long and full of sacrifices. It was a time when Blacks had no rights and most of them accepted this as the way it was and no one could do anything about it. Most of them, but not King. When the police arrested a black woman for sitting in the front of the bus and refusing to give up her seat to a white woman, King led a committee that organized a boycott of buses. The results were that on April 23, 1956, the Supreme Court ruled that "segregation in public transportation is unconstitutional" and that South Carolina as well as 12 other states must remove the "whites only" signs that hung in the front of the buses. This was just the beginning, he vowed to continue his fight using "passive resistance and the weapon of love". He helped establish the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and became its first president. Then in 1957, King met with Vice-president Nixon in Washington to "discuss racial problems . He went on to lead protests, demonstrations and marches, making the non-violent resistance stronger than it had ever been before. He succeeded in making people aware that every human being is born equal and that no one should be denied his civil rights. Martin Luther King had a dream and he knew that there was only one way to make it come true, to wake up and to take action. He was a true example of someone putting their power to good use. He started his life with a disadvantage, he was hated because of the color of his skin, but he did not let that stop him. He was arrested, thrown in jail, stabbed, stoned, he even had his home bombed. Through it all, he refused to give up, he had found a cause worth dying for and he did. He was murdered on the night of April 4, 1968. People tried to use their power to stop him and his fight. In the end, they may have succeeded in killing its leader, but the battle against racism lived on. Looking back, people say that Martin Luther King Jr. was a very powerful man. I have never heard anyone say his attackers or his murderers had. "I am indeed, a practical dreamer. My dreams are not airy nothings. I want to convert my dreams into realities, as far as possible." -Mohandas K. Gandhi Mahatma is the name the people of India gave to Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. The meaning is Great Soul, and they considered him as the father of their nation. He named his autobiography, "The story of My Experiments With Truth." That was, after all, what his life was about:

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

My Thoughts on Engineering Ethics †Essay

My Thoughts on Engineering Ethics – Essay Free Online Research Papers My Thoughts on Engineering Ethics Essay I thought that the article by Roger Boisjoly about the ethical decisions made regarding the space shuttle Challenger disaster. It gave a fascinating account of what one engineer experienced in having to make a very difficult decision. He went to his superiors when he thought he found something wrong with the o-ring. Unfortunately management at MTI did not want to hear it and did their best to ignore it. To his dismay along the whole process he couldn’t get anyone at MTI or NASA to really listen and acknowledge the problem. So the launch of Challenger was not delayed and resulted in a tragedy. Boisjoly has a lot of quotes that really put to heart what the code of ethics that all practicing and non-practicing engineers should follow. That as an engineer we have a responsibility to not let the â€Å"technical illiterate† decide what is safe or not. One has to ask themselves, â€Å"would you allow your wife or children to use this product without any reservation?† These statements implicitly cover the fundamental canons of ethics put forth by the National Society of Professional Engineers. I found it surprising that a colleague of his said, â€Å"You don’t override your chain of command. My boss was there; I made my position known to him; he did not choose to pursue it; at that point, it’s up to him†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I was floored by that statement. I hope that if I strongly believe that there is a problem that can lead to a dangerous situation that I step forward and make sure that my point is made. I hope that as a practicing engineer that I am never put into the position that Boisjoly was, but if I were then I hope that I can take a lesson from him and do the right thing. Research Papers on My Thoughts on Engineering Ethics - EssayMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesGenetic EngineeringEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenQuebec and CanadaThe Hockey GameInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)Research Process Part OnePETSTEL analysis of IndiaOpen Architechture a white paper

Monday, November 4, 2019

Visual Rock Music Stars Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Visual Rock Music Stars - Essay Example Above I provided some background information on the topic of rock and roll that will help me get closer to the topic that will be dealt with lower. The aim of my study is to examine the relationship between dress and ideology of visual rock music stars. This group was chosen as the visual nature of the group allows for a thorough analysis of the ways in which the beliefs of the group may affect their decisions relating to dress. In the frameowkr of my project, an interview was conducted with members of a rock music group in order to collect primary data on the topic. The interview is used in this study to ascertain the history of the group and the beliefs of the group. The interview was also used to obtain information about how the group's beliefs have changed over time. The information from the interview is presented here alongside with the relevant current literature to ascertain how the two are interlinked. The interview revealed several things, some of which were expected, but others which were surprising. The interview found that the band did not claim to hold any strong beliefs which related to politics or religion. The band members claimed that their ideology, focused more on having fun, and this was the image that they tried to portray. The band did acknowledge that there are many rock bands which do have strong ideologies. One such example, which they quoted was the British group the Sex Pistols, who were famous in the Punk Rock era of the 1980s. They were as famous for their strong beliefs in anarchy and hatred of the British political regimes as they were for their music. The interview also revealed that the rock group was heavily influenced by other counterpart rock groups. Though, not only other... This "Visual Rock Music Stars" essay outlines the history of rock’n’roll music and how it affects the fashion. There was a rock band specifically mentioned in the interview that was the Sex Pistols. This band is considered to be an iconic rock band on many levels. Their music was highly controversial and being produced and released independently. That state of things allowed the band a large degree of freedom that many other bands which having signed to corporate brands did not possess. The entire stance which was adopted by the group was â€Å"anti-establishment†. It is for this reason that the Sex Pistols selected their dress. They aimed to take the clothes which were seen as socially acceptable at that time and transform them into a dress code, which would be highly controversial. It was not only the clothes which the Sex pistols altered in an attempt to shock, moreover, they also adopted hairstyles such as the Mohican, died their hair dramatic colors, and dec orated their bodies with tattoos and piercings. Other rock bands at the time did not possess the same levels of freedom, and as a result, their images were far more controlled by the record label and have not been so distinct. Goshert (2000) suggests that although the majority of modern bands would not consider themselves to be ‘punk’ bands, they are still heavily influenced by the ideology of bands such as the Sex Pistols. For example when the photos of the band interviewed were inspected it would be possible to see some elements of ‘punk’ dress in their early photos.