Saturday, December 7, 2019

Role of Communication in Conflict Resolution †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Role of Communication in Conflict Resolution. Answer: Introduction As a social being, man has to constantly interact with other human beings in social and commercial settings. Their interactions are not always continued in a smooth manner due to clashes and disagreements as views may be different and opinions may vary. These differences may vary from simple issues to complex matter and are known as conflict range. Not only conflict is a pervasive part of human life but also is a much maligned word. The overtone of the word is negative which makes people shy away from it. How conflict is managed by people is influenced by different factors. The nature of the conflict, the culture of the parties and the personality of those who enter the conflict are used to derive the conflict management approaches[1]. Just as various reasons exits in relation to the creation of conflict, there are a few methods which can be deployed with respect to managing the conflict. However while selecting one of the methods of conflict resolution one must be care to whether such method can effectively manage the dispute[2]. This paper discusses the principles of conflict creation through academic literatures in relation to the conflict which has been caused between Sammy and Ben. In addition the paper also discusses two methods of conflict resolution which are appropriate for addressing the dispute between Sammy and Ben. Conflicts have been defined by authors like Rapoport as debates, games and fights. Another definition of conflict is that it is an escalated competition taken place between two or more parties where each of the parties aims to achieve an advantage. This advantage can be in relation to resources interest, fulfillment of needs and power over the other party. As defined by Ronald (2016) the incompatibility of values and goals between two or more parties arising out of a relationship along with the having antagonistic feeling towards the other and attempting to gain control over the other result in conflict[3]. Conflict can take place whenever a failure of collaboration, community, connection, inability of understanding necessary interconnectedness arises as well as the characteristics of human nature. Most living organism behave in a ugly manner when they are in the position of conflict and humans are no different which makes them hide their interconnectedness and essential beauty. The conflict tends to be over when such qualities are noticed by them. Conflict may also result out form the inability of a person to learn from their past failure and to recognize the mistakes as an opportunity for improved understanding and growth. As defined by Autesserre conflict can be seen as a disagreement a view or perceived or real incompatibility of interest a set of behavior or inconsistent world views[4]. The position of conflict may be real but may also be a result of the perception of the parties involved in it. Therefore it can be stated that conflict take place between emotional, behavioral and cognitive dimensions. There are various sources of conflicts such as economic conflict, value conflict, power conflict, miscommunication and misperception conflict, emotional conflict, structural conflict Multipart conflict, intergroup conflict, role conflict and international conflict[5]. An economical conflict takes place when there is a competition between the parties for scarce resources. All the parties to the dispute strive towards fulfilling their needs. These parties put all their feelings and emotions in one direction so that they are not outsmarted by the other parties. Therefore it can be provided that a buyer would want to purchase an item for the lowest possible price whereas the seller would want to maximize its values. In the given situation it has been provided that Sammy wants to get his car repaired but in not willing to invest much money as the as the car has become old. He seeks to achieve the maximum benefit at the lowest possible cost and thus approaches Ben who promises to repair the car at a lower cost. However frustration (which is a cause of conflict) builds upon Sammy as the car is not being repaired in the provided time and the deadline is being extended again and again. It may have been common for Ben as per the values of mechanics to exten d the deadline. However the same values are not possessed by Sammy as where there is a difference in value there arises a conflict. The scenario further provides that a hefty bill has been sent by Ben to Sammy in relation to the car. This bill was not sent in order to charge for a repaired car but for the time given by Ben towards the car and the cost of replacing the car. According to the economic theory of conflict Ben is also seeking profit maximization as where the car has not been repaired still he has sent a bill to Sammy. This situation is bound to create a conflict where the needs of both the parties are different. According to Douglas emotions are those catalysts which escalate and fuel conflicts[6]. They add on to strength, courage, perseverance and energy which support people to continue with the conflict. They act as a powerhouse for the parties to the dispute. Applying the theory to the given situation it can be stated that Sammy is emotionally attached to his car and therefore he wants to keep the car as long as he can with him. On the other had the Ben is also emotional for the hard work and time he has put into for repairing Sammys car. The emotions of both these parties have significant energy to fuel the conflict between both the parties as both of them have justified grounds according to themselves. In addition according to the theory of structural conflict, a conflict can also result out of the way in which interaction between the parties take place. The resources which are available, time constraints, decisions making problems physical settings and communication procedures are a fe w elements which comprises the structure. in the givens situation if Ben would have informed Sammy that the car may not be repaired or Sammy would have verified the progress of the car in the initial stages and there was clear communication than the dispute would not have been caused. Methods of dispute resolution There are various methods of dispute resolution such as litigation, Arbitration, Negotiation, conciliation and mediation. Each method comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore the nature of the dispute has to be analyzed in the light of the features of these resolution systems so than an appropriate method of dispute resolution can be selected[7]. For the purpose the dispute between Sammy and Ben the paper analyzes two dispute resolution methods namely Negotiation and Mediation. Negotiation is the most common form of conflict resolution process or decision joint making. Negotiation permeates most areas of life such as public, private official, domestic, commercial and non official. The parties engage in the process of negotiation irrespective of the position they hold in the society. The most common form of negotiation takes place in bilateral exchanges where information is communicated to both the parties, an understanding is reached and outcome is achieved. To make in simple in the process of negotiation two parties take a specific stand, place arguments for it and continue making compromises where it is possible until a solution is achieved. The interaction may take place telephonically, face-to-face, via email or through the process of Video conferencing. According to Paveza, Estefan, and Corvin a communication which takes place back and forth and is designed to reach an agreement where there is dispute between the parties in relation to a particular interest is called negotiation[8]. The process has several advantages and disadvantages which need to be considered while choosing the process in relation to a particular dispute. The main advantages of negotiation are that unlike other process of dispute resolution it does not require any additional cost as compared to the other modes of dispute resolution. There is no need to pay fees to a mediator, an Arbitrator or a lawyer in relation to the process of mediation. In the process the parties can freely express their views to each other and come to a conclusion without the engaging and their person. The process ensures that there is no misunderstanding between the parties with respect to the dispute either there is a solution or there is no solution. As in this process the parties volunt arily agree to take a specific course of action the process becomes binding. However it is not always possible for the process to always yield a result. In various situations the process of negotiation fails to provide a comprehensive result and other methods like litigation and arbitration has to be taken. In the situation the conflict which has taken place between Sammy and Ben is related to dispute regarding money. They would not want to invest more money in relation to the process of dispute resolution. Therefore the process of negotiation would be best suited for their dispute as it involves no additional money. However the dispute may not be solved if the parties do not reach a compromise[9]. The process of mediation is another form of dispute resolution. In this process the dispute is solved through the help of a third person. It is one of the most flexible, useful and comprehensive tool in the process of conflict management. The process has been reinvented in the recent years as it is used increasingly for the purpose of managing conflicts in the commercial area. The role of the mediator in the process is to adopt a procedure through which the parties to the dispute can reach a acceptable solution. There are various methods which are deployed by the mediator in this process which include the facilitation of communication, determining the actual objective of the parties and proposing options to the parties with respect to the dispute. Other way in which the process takes place are evaluative mediation, transformative mediation, utilitarianism mediation, essential need mediation, social utility mediation, natural law mediation, resolution mediation, restorative mediation, justice mediation and interventionist mediation[10]. There are many advantages as well as disadvantages in relation to the process of mediation. Firstly the process if mediation does not require as much time to resolve a dispute as it is required by arbitration or litigation. In addition the cost involved in the process is significantly less and is feasible with respect to the services provided by the mediator for solving the dispute. It does not involve any additional charges and in the same way like negotiation the process helps the parties to the dispute come to a mutually agreed decision[11]. However the decision of the mediator is not binding on the parties and even where different useful methods have been used by the mediator to facilitate the parties towards a solution there may no solution reached by the parties. In these situations the process of mediation may not be much effective and litigation or arbitration may be required. In the given situation a mediator can assists Sammy and Ben come to a solution regarding the conflict they are in. he can facilitate better communication between the parties so that they are able to understand each other position in relation the dispute. They may require to pay a little amount to the mediator but the dispute is more likely to be resolved in a better way through the process. Form the above discussion it can be stated that there are various ways in which a conflict is created between parties. The reasons for disputes are mainly because of difference in opinion between the parties, miscommunication, the desire to gain power and access to financial resources. Conflicts are inevitable in the society and must not always be seen as a sin. Conflicts make people gain an increased experience towards how to handle a specific situation. There are various methods of conflict resolution. These methods have to be selected based on their nature of the dispute. In the given situation the best applicable methods are mediation and negotiation. The role of culture in conflict resolution is neglected by the conflict resolver unless there is conscious effort by the parties to the dispute. The medium through which conflict plays out is culture. A critical role is played by culture in the way through which a conflict is created. Culture also affects the course of conflict as well as influencing the method in which the parties to the conflict approaches to resolve it. While taking into consideration the impact of culture on conflict one must ensure that it is not overly relativistic or deterministic. In situation where the parties to a dispute do not have a common cultural background the resolution process is likely to be broken down. In this context common culture not only means language, race or nationality but also includes similarity in norms, meaning and behavior along with expectations and shared perceptions. Where expectations and perceptions are not common it results out in an increased destructive conflict rather than a resolution. It has been stated by Gudykunst Every communal conversation bears traces of culturally distinctive means of communicative conduct.[12] The purpose of this paper is to examine the significance of cross-cultural communication in the process of conflict resolution. The significance of culture in conflicts According to Moran mediation, negotiation and other methods for the purpose of resolving disputes are affected by cultural differences[13]. Individual culture is brought into by the parties to the dispute into a resolution process and the person who has the responsibility of solving the dispute do it through their own cultural perspective. The speeding up and effectiveness of the dispute resolution process can only be ensured if the parties as well as the dispute resolvers are able to understand each others cultures. Cultures are a part of every conflicts as conflicts are a result of relationship between humans. The way in which individuals blame, name, frame and try to tame the conflict is affected by culture. Whether there is a conflict or not is a question of culture. According to an interview conducted with a Chinese man it was provided by him that he did not witness any conflicts in his lifetime of 40 years. One of the possible reasons for his answers were a preference of cultur e according to which he saw the world through the eyes of harmony instead off dispute, which had been influenced by his Confucian upbringing[14]. Whether culture plays a sublet or gentle role or largely influences conflict it is also a part of the conflict. There is always a cultural component in any conflict which touches individuals where they hold their identities and meaning. Intractable conflicts like those which are taking place in India and Pakistan over Kashmir and Israeli and Palestinian are not only fueled by issues like boundary, sovereignty and territories but also through legitimization, representation and acknowledgment of various ways of living, identities and making meaning. Conflicts which take place between husband and wife are due to gender culture and which take place between parents and child are due to generational culture. Different disciplinary cultures give rise to conflicts in organizations. According to Fairclough culture cannot be extricated from conflicts although it is not the cause of conflict[15]. Different norms in relation to conflict behavior are derived through different cultures and which is acceptable in one culture may be a sin in the other. Different conflict styles are exhibited within the members of a same group[16]. In one culture raising voice by an individual would be taken as an action of aggression on the other hand the same act would be seen as a sign of truthfulness and genuineness in few other cultures[17]. In some cultures there is restrictions upon young parties to a dispute to argue with elders whereas few cultures depict ostensible, direct , linear and rational conflict style. Variables which exist in a cultural group can be used beneficially for the purpose of resolving conflicts. The variables are mostly helpful for the purpose of enhancing interactions between parties to the conflict. Individuals who depict a communication and conflict style within a group which are close to another rival group can be utilized in form of a bridge or natural translator to different cultures which the process of dispute resolution takes place[18]. A range of variables have been described by scholars who study the nature of conflict for the purpose of describing various cultural approaches in relation to a conflict. According to Moore and Woodrow (2010), there are eight primary variables namely, relationships, different views of outcome, cooperation and completion, space and time, communication, other parties and the overall objective of the negotiation process[19]. Five dimensions have been provided by Ang, Soon, and Linn Van Dyne for the purpose of understanding cultural difference. These include uncertainty avoidance, power distance, long/short term organization, individual/collectivist and masculine/feminine orientations[20]. Variables such as orientation with respect to human nature and nature, high and low context communications styles, social relations along with complexity of social identities among others. A few communication tools which are utilized for the purpose of understanding culture are Individualist and communitarian conceptions of self and other and High-context and low-context communication. A working definition of culture is useful as all these tools are used in service of understanding culture. There is no complete way which can provide the understanding of culture along with its connection with conflicts and communication. The two tools provide an idea about how the individuals belonging to different groups interpret their surroundings. They neither provide complete guidelines for with respect to each member of the group nor are they certain in nature as culture constantly evolves and changes the individuals as well as the environment around them[21]. Importance of cross cultural knowledge for effective dispute resolution The main role of the person who is responsible to resolve a dispute is to establish an understanding between the parties to the dispute. There are various ways which are adopted by such dispute resolver towards addressing the conflict between the parties. It has been discussed above that culture has a significant impact on the creation of dispute. Thus if dispute needs to be solved culture has to be provided with utmost importance. However not all studies of dispute resolution agree with such significant importance of culture in relation to dispute resolution process. According to Avruch culture may be treated as a cause of conflict however it cannot be treated as a main determinant to resolve a conflict[22]. Koppelman states that cross cultural awareness in the contemporary world is not only important but is essential and mandatory[23]. Managers in the organization require cross cultural knowledge to successfully manage the employees who belong to diverse cultural backgrounds. On th e other hand the process of dispute resolution may also be considered as a form of management. In the process of resolving dispute the role of the resolver is to manage the dispute by brining the parties to it to a mutual understanding. A dispute cannot come to an end unless both the parties agree to a resolution. A valid argument may be provided that cross cultural knowledge is not required in situation where both the parties to the dispute possess the same culture. However according to Warren culture is one of the most common causes of dispute and without cultural differences disputes may not occur[24]. Thus it can be stated that situations where culture is not a cause if dispute may exist however it does not supersede the fact that most of the conflicts are due to culture. Bochner defines cross cultural knowledge as having understandings about different cultures[25]. In the field of conflict resolution cross culture awareness means having the knowledge about the backgrounds, beliefs, customs and understandings in relation to the parties involved in the dispute. It has been provided by Kinloch, Patricia, and Joan that it is next to impossible to immediately influence the culture of an individual. In relation to the dispute resolution process the resolver has very limited time to interact the parties and it can be argued that such time would not be adequate to influence the culture of the parties[26]. However it must be noted that cross cultural awareness need not influence the cultures of the parties in a conflict what is required by such knowledge is to merely treat the parties based on the understandings bout them. This nature of conflict resolution makes the knowledge about cross cultures essential in the process. According to Prasad the most important tool which is required by a dispute resolver is comprehensive communication skills[27]. A dispute resolver would at no cost be able to resolve the dispute where he is not able to facilitate communication between the parties. In addition he needs to communicate his own understanding to the parties which he would be able to do without comprehensive communication skills. Behrens states that cultural awareness is the foundation of communication skills[28]. The concept of cultural awareness has become the primary component for effectively managing and preemptively resolving any dispute. Resolver who have intellectual knowledge are well equipped to carry out best practices strategies towards solving a dispute between the parties. These cultural awareness involves ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation social economic backgrounds as well as international experiences. Increasing or infusing cultural awareness in the process of dispute resolutio n can help the resolver avoid liabilities such as misunderstandings related to culture. Enhanced cross cultural knowledge can help the resolver to ensure that they are able to minimize cultural tension during the process of resolving the conflict. The resolver who is solving the dispute may be able to create an apprehension that the parties to the dispute have a common culture by bringing out the common aspects of their cultures through his or her cross cultural awareness[29]. When the parties to the dispute are made to believe that there cultures between them are common a sense of mutuality occurs between them and they give increased effort towards solving the dispute. There are three aspects which are required to ensure that a conflict resolution process is successful, Firstly the necessity and desire for resolving the conflict, secondly, awareness about possible hurdles in the process of conflict resolution and choosing the method for solving the dispute. For the purpose of resolving cross cultural disputes and conflict it is the responsibility of the resolver to bridge the cultural gaps between the parties. According to Hester, Gladys and Aminda such resolvers must at the minimum have knowledge about self awareness of their own cultural practice which includes bias, stereotyping and prejudice along with knowledge about different cultural factors which contribute to cultural differences[30]. They must also be sensitive towards and appreciate different c ultures while having a good knowledge in relation to communication skills[31] Conclusion The fact that culture plays a significant part in the creation of conflict cannot be doubted at all. Cultural differences are one of the main reasons because of which a conflict is created. They may however be arguments that the relevance of culture in solving a dispute may not be as important as it is perceived. However as discussed in the paper, communication skills are the necessary for proper resolution of dispute and the basic of ion dispute resolution communication is cross cultural awareness. 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