Monday, December 23, 2019

What Is Revealed About Human Nature - 941 Words

What is revealed about human nature (from Gen 1-2)? In Genesis one and two, it provides a full understanding of God’s creations and wisdom of human nature because it is free from evil. Human nature is revealed from Genesis one with God creating the Earth and the Heavens and creating the man of his likeness. The Bible explains how God created Adam, from dust and was placed in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:7). The Bible explains humanity was created to work and serve (Genesis 2:15). Subsequently, Eve was created; â€Å"God had created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him: male and female he created them† (Genesis 1:27). Adam and Eve would help God because He wanted them to multiply the Earth by taking care of all of his creation (Hiles Smith, 2014). God is the sovereign ruler, he created humanity as how he should have wanted. The Bible explains about human nature that God created everything to be distinct from animals and all of His creation. God crea ted us in his own image, which is why we all look different; we are unique in His eyes. Also, God created us to be good because we are born innocent of all evil and loving of God. In addition, we were all born pure as Adam and Eve were. The Bible explains that God was pleased with his creations, â€Å"God saw that it was good† (Genesis 1:10-21). 2. What are the consequences of the Fall for human nature (from Gen 3)? The Bible explains that God had warned Eve and Adam not to eat from theShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Revealed About Human Nature ( From Gen 1-2 )?991 Words   |  4 Pages1. What is revealed about human nature (from Gen 1-2)? In Genesis one and 2, it provides a full understanding of God’s creations and wisdom of human nature because it is free from evil. God created everything from nothing; to be perfect from his perspective. Human nature is revealed from Genesis one with God creating the Earth and the Heavens and creating the man of his likeness. 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